Thursday, September 26, 2013

Healthy Lunch Wrap

Hey guys! Here is a healthy lunch idea we made for you! Don't worry it's still yummy.  :D So now without further ado... HEALTHY (but still yummy) LUNCH WRAP!!!!!!!!!

Things you need:

Tortilla or flat bread
Lots and lots of veggies :)
Meats (optional)
Hummus or dressings (optional)
Cheese (optional)

Spread out your tortilla or flat bread and spread a small layer of a dressing of your choice. Then add any meats or cheese. After that, lay thin small layers of vegetables on your tortilla. Lastly, wrap your wrap (ha ha).And you are done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     :D

P.S. If you would like to see a homemade hummus recipe email us at

Creatively yours,
Bianca, Sanchi, and Vedika


  1. That looks yummy! I am hungry now :-)

    1. Thanks we will post the homemade hummus recipe for you!!!
